Wood tone and stenciling look great. As someone who has broken my share of things, I can only imagine the creative words you strung together...no one will know but you (and us) once the roof is on.
Hi Kevin: This is looking great. The color looks great as does your wood. I am building this as well and am at the same stage as trying to get the roof to fit. Of course I glued the right wall where the left one goes and vice-versa. What an idiot. After fixing that I'm now working on the roof and, like yours, mine is a bit short and I also tried squeezing the walls together but I stopped before I broke anything. Look forward to following your build as I'm sure I'll get some great ideas from you as yours comes together. Thanks, Kevin.
Hi Kevin: This is looking great. The color looks great as does your wood. I am building this as well and am at the same stage as trying to get the roof to fit. Of course I glued the right wall where the left one goes and vice-versa. What an idiot. After fixing that I'm now working on the roof and, like yours, mine is a bit short and I also tried squeezing the walls together but I stopped before I broke anything. Look forward to following your build as I'm sure I'll get some great ideas from you as yours comes together. Thanks, Kevin.
george, i ended up adding some wood to the edges of the walls to give additional gluing spots for the roof base because it didn't fit snugly enough inside the walls to grab the roof base. i also deviated from brett's instructions and i hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. while i have a straight edged toe nail clipper, it isn't big enough to cut the wood if i had left the full pieces on the front of the roof extend. i measured and cut them. i hope that doesn't haunt me later.
I had the same issue with the roof. That's a good idea to add extra wood to "bulk up" the cardboard base so the wood has something to "grab onto". I just started my roof so I'll also try that. I'm also doing the same, Kevin, with regards to the roof wood. I use the Ultimation Slicer to cut the roof pieces to fit so every piece is the identical length. (Chopper does the same thing). We should be OK and it's nice that even if there are some gaps the trim will hide them as will the battens. Allows me to hide my "mistakes" LOL.
I had the same issue with the roof. That's a good idea to add extra wood to "bulk up" the cardboard base so the wood has something to "grab onto". I just started my roof so I'll also try that. I'm also doing the same, Kevin, with regards to the roof wood. I use the Ultimation Slicer to cut the roof pieces to fit so every piece is the identical length. (Chopper does the same thing). We should be OK and it's nice that even if there are some gaps the trim will hide them as will the battens. Allows me to hide my "mistakes" LOL.
i mixed up a 'weaker' batch of silverwood and aged the barn wall siding a bit. i haven't decided whether to keep going or not. i also have all the warehouse and general store . walls sided. i might deviate from the excellent instructions when it comes to coloring the general store siding. i'm still undecided on that though maybe i'll decide in the morning. or maybe i'll just go to ace and pickup some paint thinner and go for it. anyway, here's the aged barn.
general store walls
and the warehouse walls
so far i'm really enjoying working on this kit. i really wish i had better lighting though.
nice colouring, knots and effects Kev. walls all look great and the stencil came out perfect. Go grab the thinner and make up a quick test wall to try it on. You will love the technique, it's the quickest, easiest and best I've done with the best results for that type of wall.
What's NOT to enjoy on this or any SW kit You're doing just fine Kevin !! As for the lighting, take your work outside in daylight, from time to time. There you have the perfect impression of the colors and structures of the wood..
turns out i had some paint thinner that said it was 100% mineral spirits, so i applied a coat to all 4 walls, and when that dried i applied another coat. then i applied a color thatg i used to use alot when i was scratchbuilding in n scale, but haven't really ised it much since; its a craft paint called hauser medium green. i let that dry to the touch and decided to leave it alone.
i'ld love to see wbat you guys think of these walls. my basement stinks of mineral spirits and liz is gonna flip out when she comes in from work. i've had a ceiling fan on and a bathroom exhaust fan on and a window open for 2 hours and it still stinks.. alexa's gonna remind me 3 hours to go close the window....lol.
[edit] i almost went crosseyed doing the nailholes. i hope they're subtle enough.
thanks robert, i like the color alot. ken, i gotta get me some of that odorless paint thinner. i haven't gone downstairs yet today to see if it still stinks.... but i'm betting the smell isn't completely gone yet, and i left the fan in the bathroom on all night.
Pleae explain this mineral spirits/paint technique… Kev…next time use turpentine…just joking terry
terry, you get your boards all prepped (knots, splits, etc), then brush on a coat of paint thinner. when its no longer shiny, another coat. when that's no long shiny add paint. let dry to the touch and start hitting it with tape to pull some paint off. i opted not to do the tape beause i liked the way they looked.. travis, thanks buddy.
thanks tom. i'm pretty happy with the way they look. i'm going with a white trim, so i'm staining /painting everything gray and the blotting white wash on with a piece of grout sponge. i'v never had any luck trying to stain brett's windows with chalk. it never seems to work for me so i use paint.
This is looking great. The color looks great as does your wood. I am building this as well and am at the same stage as trying to get the roof to fit. Of course I glued the right wall where the left one goes and vice-versa. What an idiot. After fixing that I'm now working on the roof and, like yours, mine is a bit short and I also tried squeezing the walls together but I stopped before I broke anything. Look forward to following your build as I'm sure I'll get some great ideas from you as yours comes together. Thanks, Kevin.
i ended up adding some wood to the edges of the walls to give additional gluing spots for the roof base because it didn't fit snugly enough inside the walls to grab the roof base. i also deviated from brett's instructions and i hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. while i have a straight edged toe nail clipper, it isn't big enough to cut the wood if i had left the full pieces on the front of the roof extend. i measured and cut them. i hope that doesn't haunt me later.
walls sided. i might deviate from the excellent instructions when it comes to coloring the general store siding. i'm still undecided on that though maybe i'll decide in the morning. or maybe i'll just go to ace and pickup some paint thinner and go for it. anyway, here's the aged barn.
general store walls
and the warehouse walls
so far i'm really enjoying working on this kit. i really wish i had better lighting though.
Go grab the thinner and make up a quick test wall to try it on. You will love the technique, it's the quickest, easiest and best I've done with the best results for that type of wall.
i'ld love to see wbat you guys think of these walls.
my basement stinks of mineral spirits and liz is gonna flip out when she comes in from work. i've had a ceiling fan on and a bathroom exhaust fan on and a window open for 2 hours and it still stinks.. alexa's gonna remind me 3 hours to go close the window....lol.
[edit] i almost went crosseyed doing the nailholes. i hope they're subtle enough.
ken, i gotta get me some of that odorless paint thinner. i haven't gone downstairs yet today to see if it still stinks.... but i'm betting the smell isn't completely gone yet, and i left the fan in the bathroom on all night.
Kev…next time use turpentine…just joking
you get your boards all prepped (knots, splits, etc), then brush on a coat of paint thinner. when its no longer shiny, another coat. when that's no long shiny add paint. let dry to the touch and start hitting it with tape to pull some paint off. i opted not to do the tape beause i liked the way they looked..
thanks buddy.