
kebmos o blue sky company build

edited January 10 in O Scale Builds
i know alot of you guys have built this one, so any pre-disaster tips will be greatly appreciated.
i already blew the tarpaper prep. i didn't have floquil grime (does anybody?) so i went with an antique white craftpaint, and the paint was too thick. it tore the tissue in a couple spots, and there are big ass wrinkles in it. i also sorted all the details wood in one box. steel in a box, hand tools in a bag....
two days ago i glued the laser cut wall frames together, and left em under the irons and today i broke out bag1. there are 72 1x12's that need to be grained on both sides (a formidable task). i got that done today, and after i grained 'em i took a softish steel brush to em to get rid of the fuzzies. i collected ALOT of sawdust today. then i grabbed 40 ot 'em and added sawbanding and knotholes.
blue sky knot  holes
i went through a whole box of toothpicks and cracked open a second one. thats over 250 knotholes!

my tools of choice for the graining: the orange brush was a result of a referral from bryan brown. i'm on my second one!
the plumber brush is the nubbiest one out of the 4 i have. the yellow handled brush was in the bargain bin at ace. i used that to get rrid of the fuzzies.

blue sky graining toolss

this isn't gonna be a fast build. there are alot of boards here!


  • Seems like all of your disasters are now behind you. This is going to be great from here on out! Popcorn’s popping.
  • Looking forward to the build.

  • Looking forward to this one. Prefer the plumbing brush myself but have been meaning to try some new ones.
  • I'll be watching over your shoulders Kevin !! There are a lot of reference builds here on the forum you can 'consult' if needed.. :wink: And euh... these kits aren't meant to be 'quick' builds... Just enjoy the ride man.. ( put on some Alabaster music :wink: )
  • Savor the moment Kevin...its all about the wood! Good start and look forward to seeing how things evolve.
  • Looking forward to seeing your build Kevin!
  • This is going to be a fun build to watch.
  • fact of the matter is, i've been on construction sites building houses, and i've seen my share of lumber orders being delivered, and i can tell with certainty that no order of construction grade 2 x 12s came with any 'clear' lumber. every board would have at least one knot. so, i went back to poking holes in boards and sticking toothpicks in them. i don't know if i'll do all of them, but odds are i will.
  • Looking forward to seeing your take on this classic. Have fun.
  • This is going to be great Kevin - can’t wait.
  • Kev…the forum is sensitive to large megabit pictures
  • terry,
    i think thats the issue. lets see if this one works.barn siding stained 2
  • that was the problem. i saved it as a picture that was too large. anyway, this pic shows all the boards grained, knotholed, saw banded and stained on both sides. i ended up adding knotholes to every board, just because.
  • Looks good , Kev…do you highlight the knots with A/I?
  • looking good Kevin!
  • Wood really looks good Kev.
  • edited January 12
    thanks guys....
    all barn  walls sided
    i've had a pretty productive day. a little nfl and i got all of the barn walls sided and under weights til tomorrow when i'll get them trimmed and work on the doors.
    there's a ton of lumber in this kit. well maybe not a ton, but several ounces.....

    gonna go with medium pictures from now on. this is a small and it's too small.
    terry, to answer your question, yes but not until right before the walls are assembled. don't ask me why. no reason at all....
  • Great looking start to a fantastic kit Kev, the boards look fantastic subtle shades and lots of interest. You are going to enjoy this one.
  • Kevin went off like a missile !! :smiley: Great start..
  • You’re well on the way Kevin. Thanks for the update.
  • It's a ton in O scale!
  • the barn walls. terry, i went over all the knothles with a #2 pencil. so far i think they're looking pretty good.
    barn walls
  • Where would the world be without the #2 pencil…looks great, Kev
  • Where would the world be without the #2 pencil…looks great, Kev

    thanks bud.
    well i have a box of 20 #2 pencils from papermate, and i'm about to throw them in the garbage. when i try to sharpen them the lead breaks. every time. worthless.

  • edited January 14
    Nice color Kevin. Something different that is..
  • Nice fresh barnwood tones you got going Kevin. Knot holes show up nicely. your pic landscape my neck hurts! lol.
  • knotholes look great!
  • Very nice
  • Thanks fellas. I glued my barn together today….

    barn walls glued together
    and as i was trying to fit the roof, i hamhandedly attempted to squeeze the sidewalls together to 'grab' the roof, and as (my) luck would have it, i snapped the top of the rear wall.
    this is how i repaired it.

    rear wall repair
    it'll be okay, and it will also give the roof something to sit on.
  • Nicely faded old signage. Main structure looks great, look forward to the progress.
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