
yet another o scale railroad camp build



  • steve, i'm not a huge proponent of alot of nail holes, but i think some are needed.
    i've got some oscale caulk carl, so it's all good.
    thanks bill...
    i was supposed to have received the back issue of the gazette by yesterday, and last night and this morning i checked my amazon account, and now it's supposed to get here by 12/31 and if it doesn't i am to contact them for a replacement. that doesn't sound so good. apparently the postal service sent it to the long beach, ca distribution center instead of chicago.
    that's a big WTf???

    spent a good part of my morning prepping this to take to the niece's house for dinner.

    it's a little work intensive but well worth all the effort

  • Kevin,

    Do you have a Bavarian or an Alsatian (German) heritage? The ingredients for that recipe sound like something my grandparents would have made back in the day.
    I showed the recipe to my daughter and she said, "I have that chef's cookbook." So it looks like something we may have for New Year's dinner.

    Later, Dave S. Tucson, AZ
  • ed: i wouldn't go that far.
    steve: that's what i thought too until i tasted it.
    dave: no sir, i'm as irish as st, paddy. found it at a website called 'serious eats'. if you make it you'll be glad you did.
  • i got the windows cut out of the other end wall (not a gable wall after all) and the gazette came today, so i'm in the process of laying out the window/door openings on the front wall. i had to order another door from tichy. i need a double door with a transom, so it looks like i'll have to perform surgery on the door trim when i get it.
    other end windows cut
  • Nice work Kevin as always.
  • thanks joel and ed....
  • You know Keven you are getting good at this so keep up the great work.
  • thanks carl.
    the windows and doors are too pristine, so last night i tried an 'experiment'. i coated one of the doors with a crackle medium, and when that dried i put another coat of paint over it and checked it first thing this morning. it didn't do a damn thing. so i'm going to take a grout sponge and dab on some grays and see if that helps.
    any other suggestions?
  • I've done something like that and it turned out pretty good. Don't use just gray. Use something that is a tan/gray to me it looks more like exposed wood.
  • my grandson theo was here today, and as much as i love seeing him, it's such a relief when they leave and we can have our house back. that said, i'm plum tuckered out and won't be doing anymore modeling today. i snuck downstairs 4 or 5 times today and i'd get a couple courses of siding boards on, put weights on 'em and head back upstairs. i got about half finished with the gable wall. (the area below the door sill won't get sided. it'll be hidden inside the bait and tackle shop.
  • i got a little more done on the hotel/flshing lodge. here's the gable wall;
    gable wall sided and stained
    here's how i've decided to brace it:

    gable wall bracing
    my thoughts on the bracing (if anyone's interested) is this: since the gable wall isn't actually an end wall, the 1/4" bracing is right to the edge of the wall and will be the gluing surface for the front and rear walls.
    the actual end walls (one of which is spending the night under this:
    new tool
    have the bracing right up to the actual edge of the wall as well. my thoughts on this are that the front and rear walls will have bracing set back from the edge 1/4" and the bracing will be glued to the adjacent bracing on the wall it's being attached to. (if anyone sees a downside to this please speak up) all walls will have the same bracing flush with the bottom of the walls. this bracing will be the gluing surface to attach the walls to the base.
    working on windows and doors now....
    here's the two walls together:
    gable and short end wall sided

    all but about 6" of my stock 1x8s was used up on these three walls. i have 5 packs coming this week, bu i seriously doubt that will be enough to finish this model. after i get this order i'll order more. damn, this thing sucks lumber up like a sponge....
    thoughts, criticisms, ideas welcome.
  • thanks (i think) ed..
  • edited January 2020
    i finished the three end walls (two ends and the gable) last night and this morning.
    short end wall finished

    gable wall finished

    end wall finished
    front wall openings cut with balcony staged
  • i need to tweak one door opening, but other than that, everything fit perfectly.
  • Catching up here Kevin...wonderful weathering and siding treatment. Your base gray colored wood looks great and provides an ideal base for your peeling and weathered white paint topper. Quite the build going on here, not a SWSM kit but we'll give you a bit of latitude since we like you so much!
  • thanks ken. (the boss gave me the go ahead)
  • er.... bite me.
  • Two thumbs up
  • Kevin. Is this a house or a model?
  • carl-has that lake thawed yet?
    ed-i know you were.
  • Kevin, I agree with Ken, you have quite a build going on. I also think your weathering/color of the siding seems very natural and in place here. Really enjoying it.

  • Shhh...gee wiz Ed, remeber what we talked about, Kevin can't know...
  • Coming along nicely. Weathering looks great!
  • edited January 2020
    you guys are killin' me. thanks for looking, i appreciate any comments, concerns or tips.
    i cut the front and rear gables today.
    front gable cut
    and the ups guy brought my sander today.

    i think my lumber is coming today too..
  • Hey Kevin, I like your weathering, but is this hotel a first class one or a flop house?
  • its being repurposed as a fishing, i guess its a notch above a flop house.
  • there are some nice fishing lodges out there
  • edited January 2020
    not this one.
  • i've arrived at a point where i need to make a decision.
    i got my lumber order of 5 packages of 1x8s a couple days ago and immediately placed an order for ten more. i cut the 5 packages down to approx. 8" pieces giving me about 124 or so and grained and stained and detailed more half of them and damp brushed those boards last night. i was going to start siding the front today. here's the decision i need to make this morning (and i could use a little advise here), because the front is so big, and a glued butt joint, i need to decide whether I should brace it before siding it or after. the reason it's such a dilemma is, it's kind of frail. its been handled alot since cutting out the openings. and i don't want to risk the butt joint breaking in two. honestly i don't see where i have a choice. it has to be done. soooo....i guess i don't actually require advise.
    sorry for wasting your time....
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