
yet another o scale railroad camp build



  • i'm not falling for that trick again.
    wise guy.....
  • Look for the smoke coming out of the chimney you will find it there.
    You Best Friend ....Dward.............
  • thanks carl. i'll check.......
  • admin said:

    kebmo said:

    my stupidity is rampant. i set the brick chimney aside to do it last, and now i can't find it. it could be anywhere.... argh.
    i emailed brett begging him to sell me another one.

    no reason beg bro! Happy to send one out to you!
    Brett true to his word. If a part is missing or lost I'll replace it. That's what makes him the fine man that he is!!!


  • edited October 2019
    the replacement chimney will be here tomorrow. so yesterday i went to hobby lobby to get some plaster for the mortar, per the instructions. i wandered around in that huge store for 20 minutes and finally had to lasso a cashier on break to find plaster. (lots of aisles, non of them labeled). finally after following her around the very same aisles i had just searched, she turns and says we don't have any plaster. so i get back in the car and head towards home, driving by the lhs to see if he's open. it's 4:00 on a saturday so OF COURSE he was closed. came home, went to amazon and tomorrow i'll get a 2lb carton of hydrocal AND a chimney.
    i totally cleaned off the work bench today too. took the glass plate off and washed both sides, threw away a ton of small scrap wood that had somehow gotten under the glass plate, cleaned off the desktop under the glass too, all the while searching for the magical dissappearing chimney....

    the chimney is the LAST task, and then the diorama is completed! good pics too follow soon after completion.
  • i painted the chimney tonight (thank you brett). i couldn't locate the floquil colors the manual calls for, so i substituted box car red, scarlet, and oily black and i like the way it came out. kinda looks like chicago brick. then i took aged concrete and grimy black and spot painted a few bricks on each side. i'll let it cure overnight and hopefully tomorrow i'll have time to try the plaster trick.
    stay tuned...
  • Good luck Kevin.
  • don't cease with the humor ed. i, for one, almost always get your cryptic sense of humor. hell, i go back and read other threads just to get an ed fix.
    [okay, maybe that's not quite true....]
  • edited October 2019
    i finished it tonight. i texted my buddy's wife and told her it was done so she can photograph it any time, and she said we'll talk about it later this week. hopefully (maybe) sometime this weekend. she'll probably be here a full day and shoot o'neill's too.
  • sorry buddy, but once the cubbies were knocked out, i stopped giving a sh*t.
  • well she isn't gonna make it this week, and maybe not next week, so i took a photo tour (with my phone and lousy eyes) of the finished railroad camp diorama.
    pic one shows louie nailing the front wall up on the shed. he's been working on it for a couple of hours every day when work knocks off. mac is bringing a crate up to the dock from the tarpaper shed (gotta fix that door spring, damn thing slams shut):


    pic 2 is the rest of the boys relaxing a little after work:


    the rest of 'em:



    pic 6


    had enough? good, that's all i have. i will get some pics from a real photographer and post them when i get them. i think i'm gonna take a break before i crack into the truck repair.
  • Very nice job. I like the mini scene of building the small shed. I do not recognize the man carrying the box. Who makes him? Thanks for posting all of the pictures during your build.

    Mike S.
  • mike,
    i sent you a pm with the info.
  • that stack of lumber alongside the shed are the 1x8s for siding the new shed.
  • That looks like a really fun build.

    I like the shed under construction. I find it interesting to see a miniature of a work in progress.

    Can you take an over head shot of the entire diorama? I'd like to see the "dirt" work ect.
  • here's a couple of overhead shots, but there really isn't that much dirt area.


    overhead 2
  • Very nicely done Kevin, you work those LPs into the scenes with a good eye.
  • Thanks. I wanted to see the walkways Ect.
  • Now if all those guys just lounging around would help Louie he'd get it the shed done in a hurry! Nice work Kevin.
  • Very nicely done Kevin. I like the story the LP are telling.
  • thanks fellas.... :)
  • Kevin.
    Take one more without the flash.
  • Thank you Kevin for sending the information.

    Mike S.
  • Looks really good. Love the little people, really brings the scenes to life.
  • Really very nice Kevin. I enjoyed following your build. It all came together so well.

  • wonderful! Excellent job.
  • Another fine result of the KBC, the Kebmo Building Company..... :wink:
  • thanks again fellas. kbc. yer killin' me....
  • kebmo said:

    thanks again fellas. kbc. yer killin' me....

    We don't want to kill you Kevin just a slight wound!!

    Great work!!


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