
Official O Scale Brass and Iron Foundry Build



  • Incredible detail work!
  • Looking Great
  • Great effect with the missing handle, looks perfect.

    I have done something similar as you for the graining on barrels/crates, except I used a minwax stain, I found it more controllable for myself using a small stiff bristled paintbrush for the grain effects.
  • I like the idea Karl. I have some walnut stain so might try it.

    I really only have the two shelving units left. I am going to try making some waterslide decals and try that approach just to be different. I did it once before with the Campbell soup cans and had some moderate success. We'll see how this goes. I never liked working with Photoshop. The kits labels are great I just want to see if I can make something thinner that works. If not back to sanding these labels.
  • edited March 12
    This build is very inspiring, as I've been wanting to build up to the installments I have so far. I'm building a module section of my layout that will mainly be a fabrication and foundry section.....2' by 6'.....and I really want to include the SW O scale foundry in it's entirety...
  • Bit of a boring update as I wait for my labels to dry I opened up one of my Sierra West detail kits so I'd have a few extra jars and bottles to detail. Didn't quite realize the amazing number of details included. I figure I'll experiment and keep the really good ones for the diorama. Just a base coat of colour and some gloss coat. After this Hopefully I will be prepared for the next 10 dioramas.IMG_5291
  • Always nice to get the base coats on and start the process.
    Also great that Brett doesnt skimp on the details so we can choose the best for the front and then hide our mistakes in the back.
    Looking forward to your next steps on these beauties Joel.
  • Great idea to get those details prepped for future detail work. Look forward to seeing you work your magic with them!
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