
HO Scale O'Neills Fabrication Official Forum Build



  • Ken, you really did a great job tying everything together. The building looks great and nothing out of place or noticeable. I'm ready for the welding shack. Phil
  • Hey Steve, appreciate the thoughts and for you following along here nice to know...and really appreciate the feed-back...keeps us going back to "the bench" to get some work done doesn't it!

    Re: the Tower awning you mean where it joins the siding or the seam where the paper overlaps on the roof?
  • Hi Phil, glad to see your hanging out with me here! How's the house coming along?

    Am working on the strip wood siding of the Welding Shop and it's coming out really nice...I think...of course I love this part of the build anyway so doesn't take much to get me going here. As I mentioned, Brett changes up the siding on the Welding Shop just enough to give it its own character but still blending seamlessly with the Tower and Main Building complex. to hurry and get some siding done...NO...just seeing if you're awake! I NEVER hurry any of a SWSM build, it must be savored and thought about, the manual read through many times and not just for the pictures! as my wife would claim, look and study your progress from many angles and vantage points, take pictures and more pictures and post on SWSM Forum despite the appearance of monotony, the kit contents must be handle and touched many times before any work commences, the SWSM web-site must be viewed constantly for guidance, reference, motivation, and resources...I'm done for now, I think...had to vent a bit...Ken
  • Hi Ken, you're right there is no hurrying a SWSM build. There is so much creativity in the entire build process. I agree that taking and posting pictures of the build has been very enlightening. Viewing a full size picture of my build on the Apple Thunderbolt Display can be a real humbling but learning situation.
    On the tarpaper roof, I was referring to the overlap of one row of paper on the other. In general, I would be interested to know what pastel colors you used. As I mentioned before, this was my first use of Rembrandt pastels to weather tar paper. The breath of the colors available can be overwhelming. Any tips on colors and highlights would be appreciated.
  • Steve, the tar paper is that supplied by Brett in the kit (page 2 construction manual) and lightly spray painted with flat black and then cut into strips, which Brett provides templates for cutting the tar paper for the various roof and awnings utilized with O'Neills (page 31). I like to tear the paper along a straight edge to give a hint of a rough edge rather than a straight smooth edge. The light edge you see is just the whiter paper showing through which I think gives a prototypical look as the edges of tar paper tend to get worn and light colored over time. I then just weathered the paper with various chalk colors in the brown, rust and grey (408.3, 408.7, 411.3, 704.5 as examples).image
  • edited June 2016
    Looks good Ken. I've probably already said this before (so sorry if I'm repeating myself) but I'll drag the edge of the tar paper across a razor blade to get a similar worn look. The only reason I do this over your method Ken is because when I tear it along a straight edge, it inevitably always seems to rip the paper in an uneven line on me.

    Thanks for the pictures...
  • Right...I think it depends on how you want the finished edge to look...uneven isn't bad if its minimal and you want a well worn look. Straight and just worn on the edge has its place as well and your method would be in line with O'Neills as it's meant to be a facility in reasonably good repair but well used.
  • So, on to the Welding Shop. I have stained the laser cut walls and colored and detailed the trim for the freight door, windows and rear door with the antique white paint peel. I took a good bit of time detailing each piece to give a worn but not rotten look. Each piece is cut, detailed and fitted before glueing in place.

    Distinguished gathering of Welding Shop walls...colored and trimmed...

    Window trim I dare get this close! Some "fuzzies" to remove but not so bad for such a close shot.


    This is the front and most visible view of the Welding Shop. Must be on my toes for the detailing here as it really shows...korny rhyme right there!


    Detailing the freight door trim along the bottom...ditto for the other side.


    Rear door...


    Rear door trim detail...


    More of same...siding application is next up...Ken
  • Looking fantastic Ken, such an incredible (and realistic) amount of detail in just those trim pieces alone.
    Cant wait to see your work on the siding.

  • Yep...What Karl said.

    And then some.

    Bill S.
  • Very cool. Yes I am still alive just not much time to do fun stuff. I was studying the pictures from page 14. Lots of details to look at and comment on. I really like the roof rusty and old and the like the soot stains on the roof around the vents. I like the light dirt at the edges of the windows coming down the siding. Nothing out of place just excellent execution of a beautiful kit. You are moving along very quickly. It is really cool seeing Alan and Mike's versions as well. Everyone is doing a great job on this kit. I think you are making the big guy (Brett) really happy with the execution of this kit.
    Keep up the great work.

  • Ken, the house is almost complete and I close on June 29th. I wish the 1:1 construction would have gone as smoothly as your 1:87 construction. They really aren't craftsmen and don't take the time to do it right the first time. Oh well!! Phil
  • Ken you continue to astound with your great work my friend. So hard to believe its HO scale.
  • Thanks Karl, I love the "chunky" trim wood Brett calls for here. Once the siding is on it will really look bold and loads of character.

    Hey Bill what's up...appreciate that and thanks for the note.

    Nice to hear from you Jim as always. I was a bit worried about you! You notice much and that's appreciated and nice to know those little details are being seen...thanks for your thoughts and don't be a stranger.

    Phil, always stressful on a new build. Keep on them...

    Hey Thanks Wes, it surprises me a bit when I see a picture, like the window shot above, with a human appendage/digit for scale...hits home how small this stuff is.

  • Looks awesome Ken! if I were to guess I'd say you brushed a little light pastel up into the tarpaper seams. Subtle and effective.
  • Thanks much Alan. Right you are. I like to highlight edges like that to give some depth and shadows. I did this on the roof of O'Neills Main Building as well. I love the look of shadows and dirt/grime along edges where siding meets the trim, where roof panels overlap and particularly like the weathered edges of where boards butt together both from moisture, nail holes, splits in the wood from nails etc..really makes a dull monotone wall come to life. Steve demonstrated that concept very well on his O Scale Railroad Camp...Ken
  • Father's Day finds me documenting the progress on O'Neills Welding Shop addition. Featured here is the front wall (freight door). When I'm building and detailing walls of a structure, I like to complete one wall with all the details to make sure I'm on track for how I want things to turn out. So far things are going as planned. Board weathering, spacing, and detailing is to where I want them to be. I have included some very close shots to highlight how I weather and add knot holes, etc...



    Here is an example of a tooth pick knot hole and where two boards are butted together. Subtile nail holes, and note the knot hole is elliptical around the actual 'knot" and the knot itself is detailed with splits, etc. Bottom board ends weathered a bit more than the rest as would be expected.


    Here's an example of a few "knot holes" without any actual knots in them with some with knots for comparison.


    More of a traditional knot without the elliptical cut down area around it.


    One final shot of the right side completing this session of Knotology!
  • uhmmm, this is HO Scale? Wow Ken, fantastic... the texture is awesome and such a perfect contrast to the main building and tower.
  • Phenomenal! You just set the bar to new heights!!! This is fine scale modeling at it's best!
    The wear on the board ends is the best I've seen. The "without knots" in the Knotology course is great. I'll definitely need to try those. These pictures will be my reference for future weathering. Thanks again for sharing this build with us.
  • Looks fantastic Ken.

  • I really like the way you taper the end of the boards. It adds a new level of interest where they butt up against each other.
  • edited June 2016
    Appreciate that Brett and perfect the way you crafted each building in the O'Neills "complex" to have it's own character by way of different styles of siding, doors, weathering, etc., yet compliment each other so well.

    This paint peel technique you illustrate is so good and so easy to control and apply, yet I can't tell the difference from the more complicated resist layer and tape peel method.

    SteveF, thanks much and I really enjoy this kind of detailing. So many variations on a theme but not too many of any one, one board at a time!

    Thank you SteveC. and great to hear from you.

    Bryan, you bring up a very interesting point and nice that it's noticed and appreciated. This particular detail appears a bit overdone in the real close up shots but when viewing the finished wall from a reasonable vantage point, serves to highlight the board end butting and gives a worn weathered look. This may not be always be prototypical, of course not everything prototypical looks good in 1:87, but I think gives a nice look to the wall and creates shadows and opportunities for interesting wear to the board ends.

    The same techniques are being applied to the other three walls and will catch up here when completed...Ken
  • Ken, the trim on the front with the oblong knot and the wood rotting at the bottom is so real that it's "unreal!!" Now, that's some kind of detail. You really follow the adage, "aim small, miss small." If you pay attention to each detail (but don't get too obsessed) and not get in a hurry, the result of all these little actions leads to an amazing overall result. Great job. Phil
  • edited June 2016
    Well stated Phil. It's the cumulation of all the small details that gives the overall impact. Even areas that are not readily seen your mind convinces you that the details are there and I think improves the overall perception of the diorama. Thank you Phil and for your discerning eye!...Ken
  • Ken, I'm chomping at the bit to start a new kit. I close on my house next Wednesday and have someone installing cabinets in my train room the next day. I have designed a workspace that puts my main workbench right by a window for maximum light. After that I can start moving in my train stuff. My other furniture will not arrive until July 17th. I'm thinking of building the mine next (and follow Bill's excellent build) and let you guys finish up on O'Neills. Phil
  • I envy you having a brand new room to set-up just the way you want. You will have no excuses for not turning out more of your great work...

    Good choice, the Deer Creek Mine is an excellent kit ( I have two...I know!) and with Brett's manual, Bill's tutelage on the build and your skill you have an unbeatable combination. Ken
  • I have completed the main boarding and detailing of the Welding Shop walls. A very careful and deliberate process as it sets the tone for the shop which is meant to be a bit more worn and used compared to the Main Building. Each board is selected fitted and detailed before even glueing in place. More detailing to go; windows and doors, sign and goose neck light above the front entrance with a couple of castings on the front wall and much more...


    Rear wall with access doorway.


    Front of O'Neills Welding Shop. A nifty sign and gooseneck light will go here.


    Side wall facing the Main Building loading dock. Plain wall now, but wait to you see all the details Brett has in store here...


    Side wall facing the drive through area. Can't wait to get the windows installed here and a few details.



    Last detail shot of the upper right corner of the side wall of the Welding Shop. Several knot holes, worn areas, etc...
  • Ken, The individual board detail continues to amaze. What I've found most fascinating with Brett's designs and instructions is the ability he gives the modeler to layer the weathering effects. Weathering occurs over many years and the best models, as seen with yours, shows this effect. Each layer builds on the previous effect, representing the varying effects of time and the whole truly becomes greater than the sum of the parts.
    A couple of quick questions:
    On the last picture above, boards 2, 7, and 9 have an interesting effect. It doesn't appear to be a knothole but perhaps some gouging of the board, is that correct?
    How is the heavy graining at the bottom of the boards achieved? Knife cuts along with wire brushing? I'm assuming you are utilizing a wire brush on your board ends.
    I love the idea that each individual board becomes a model in and of itself.
    Keep it coming Ken, Wow!
  • Hey Steve thanks for following along....and appreciate your thoughts. Regarding your question on the board treatment, a few true knot holes here and there go a long way. I don't like to overdo these myself but I do like to give boards individual details that are subtile. the boards you mentioned are treated this way. A #11 blade is used to remove target areas of wood in varying amounts to simulate cracks, knot holes without the knots, damaged areas, insect damage, you get the idea. Then these areas are treated with combinations of chalks and AI depending on what I want to achieve. The board ends are done in a similar fashion with picking and cutting away a bit of wood here and there then follow with light going over with the wire brush. I will then sometimes lightly sand the area to take away that fresh "I just wire brushed this" look. As I mentioned, you have a great critical eye and have enjoyed your comments and questions and for me this is one of the best and most enjoyable parts of a build so appreciate your camaraderie here...Ken
  • Ken I love it "insect damage" now we need a few HO scale insect what a great idea!
    Just kidding, fantastic work as always but importantly very inspirational to us lesser gifted mortals just trying to emulate the greatest. Michael progressing slower than usual
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