Onward, now to my Tool Shed. Again making these buildings in anticipation of the Saw Mill installation. (Just received word my Mill is in the mail, Wahooo.) I have had these kits for over a year now and finally they are starting to see the fluorescent daylight.
A little change from the plans, as how the sliding door and steps are located. I liked this one as the board on board is what I really like to do.
The finish on this one is Tuscan Red, really faded. Most of the railroad structures are either Tuscan or DRGW creme for my layout colors. And all the eye candy is still put away until the install.

Great news on the imminent arrival of your sawmill.
Well a few things perhaps. Gotta love it. :-)
I get all giggly just looking through some of my SWSM kits on the shelf that I've looked through many times before, so I'm excited for you to be sitting down with a box like the Saw Mill...now take your time, open it slowly...you know the rest! Ken
Gotta love it.
The color(s) on your tool shed are just great. I like the faded Tuscan Red. I always struggle to get my reds to look right. You have NAILED IT!!! I look forward to your saw mill build.
For the faded Tuscan red I used a model paint with an acetone based color, Tru-Color Paint's. After it dried to touch, which is almost immediate, I used my Alcohol and Ink to wash the paint. It changes the color and fades it out. Several applications in places gives varying degrees of "fade-iness". Just the sun showered areas are lightened. The A&I wash also weathers the paint and the wood at the same time.
My Sawmill; My Engineers are staking out the grade at the location on the layout. It is a flat area with no grade elevation and as such several modifications to the overall plan are needed. It all will work out.