
National Narrow Gauge Convention.



  • Looking fantastic Art, great work on the details and structure.
    Always great to see modelers adapting these amazing kits to fit their own spaces.

    The additional structures you have added fit the scene nicely.
  • Wow, so much to see and take in here Art, and in a relatively small space! Wonderfully done and the use of figures really bring things to life. As I said, look forward to seeing this in person!
  • Very nice
  • I've added a few Easter Eggs....some inspired by Karl.....some by Ken......some by Robert...and as a tribute to Al Judy....chains ( find and count how many lengths of chain you can find....(not counting the ones on the spout control)...Al was known for chains on all his loco builds and on most structures...and my many?......only need to be at the NNG. I'll post some photos once I get back to show them here..
  • Some clues:
    A #2 pencil
    A man reading a newspaper
    A dangerous situation
    and a few others....
  • Hmm...I'll have to study on that thing!

    Art, slight change in plans. I was planning to be at the model contest room to drop off my display only diorama when it opens on Wednesday at 9:00 to get a good spot. I likely will not make it until close to the 11:00 cut-off. Save me a space about 24"x24" if you can...thanks in advance.
  • Looking forward to trying to solve this puzzle. Model looks great.
  • Sorry Joel, as Art mentioned you have to be at the NNGC.
  • edited September 6
    I'll post a few photos later in the week...close ups so you may be able to locate this stuff...I'll let the contest room staff know...
  • OK Ken I guess I'll just have to drop by. See you there.
  • Definitely looking forward to the next set of pictures Art, have fun at the show.
  • Hey Joel, I said that on purpose just to rattle your cage and see if you were going! Nice to hear you'll be there and look forward to a sit down.

    Thanks Art. I did e-mail Gary yesterday to confirm.
  • edited September 7
    We all need to find a night to meet up in the bar....Karl...I'm not posting anymore until next Friday....Safe Travels to all that are going....
  • Just text me at 740-215-4305 and I'll be there!...Ken
  • computer got left home....but I looked out there...we just never crossed paths....Joel...I'm glad you got 3rd place.....the 1st place made sense...but the technicolor explosion that was 2nd befuddles me. I spent 2 hours total on that Fire MOW car....2nd place...go figure. Just got home...will post some photos tomorrow...
  • SW 2024 NNG 1
    SW 2024 NNG 2
    OK...just a few...Joel and some of yours here too......I did not place
  • Wonderful build Art and I really like the layout of everything into that space, well done.
  • Clearly voting on the color of the uniforms and not which team is the best! Really quite sad that a show such as the NNGC can't seem to come up with a way to actually judge models on the modelers skill and ability. Good example of why I don't enter model contests anymore. mentioned you would be working the contest room and I didn't see you in there at all! I asked Randy several times where you were and he had no idea...5 chains??
  • Is there any other pictures from the show???

    Yours looks great Art a wonderful job you did on that diorama.

  • Ken...I was in the Vendor Room.....
  • The contest room was run extremely poorly this year. Some entries were given the same number...fixed eventually.....but some late.....Dennis left 2 categories off the ballot...he screwed up the module entry got moved twice.....once I am sure to put a "friends" entry in the spot....and I found my loco on the wrong way...and the flatcar on the track sideways.

    I got second in MOW with my scratch built Fire car.....(which I put together in less than a day).......

    And I was disappointed that my diorama placed where it did. I had a lot of people come up and say I got robbed....but it's a peoples choice.....(but, the one that replaced mine after the first move ended up with a 2 spot.) The one that won was definitely worthy of that spot. And I'm glad Joel placed well. I also heard that the guy who ran the contest room didn't like Sierra West ( not gospel,,,,just rumor). I'll just enter it next year in St. Louis...

    And the one that won Best of my opinion....wasn't.
  • Ken....six
  • I will post other photos later....
  • And to verify...The rest of the convention was service a bit slow...and the walk in the hotel was the Bataan Death March.....but Gary and Jim did a great job....Dennis....not so much.
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