
National Narrow Gauge Convention.

I know I had asked this before...but....Who is planning on going to the NNG in Pittsburgh in September. I know its always hard to find everyone with all the activities, but as time gets closer, I'll try to set a time for us to try and meet up in someplace like the bar or lobby at some point. I'm part of the staff for the convention, actually a grunt....I'm part of the vendor move in and support crew. I'll be in a light blue convention shirt all week ( not the same

What I also want to know....who's entering something in the contest? I had one thing in mind, but time will not allow me to get that done. So I have one SW kit that is near completion, and that will be going in as a diorama. Don't post what you're doing...just let me know if you're going, and participating in the contest. I'll be there Sunday thru Sunday....Hope to see a bunch of you going...


  • I wish we could come, we'd love to get to one of these some day.
  • I've never been to one and am hoping to attend this one. If possible I'd like to bring down a model or two.
  • They are always good shows...the vendors tend to be regional but a lot of well know attend....The clinics are always good.....the contest room is always a great idea starter too...the chance to meet and network is a big draw too
  • edited July 25
    My wife and I will be there as I mentioned previously. Keep me posted on any get together we could scare up. I checked with the contest folks to make sure I could put a model in for "Display Only" and was told that would be fine. Maybe you could throw some weight in on the issue to make sure I'm still able to! I received the OK from both Gary Kohler and Dennis Vaccaro.
  • I'm just a grunt lol.....but from what I know....only restrictions are in contest no past national winners....display will be labeled display only and will have no entry #....I'll be busy first few days loading in the vendors...I figured one night we could all just meander to the hotel bar and talk a little treason...or modeling....
  • Sounds good Art, just name the evening and I'll be there.
  • edited August 7
    Still trying to get my diorama done in time for the convention...but modeling not been foremost on my mind....we've lost a few notables in the On30 world in the past few being Russell Postelwaith of New Zealand....a good friend that recently made the trek thru the States....railfanning narrow gauge spots such as the East Broad Top...but the biggest hit was this past week with the passing of Al Judy. If you're on the On30 sites on Facebook, you'll know who he is. He was a good friend and an excellent modeler...he was also one of the chairs of the upcoming NG Convention. My head has been anywhere but in the shop. I'm still going to try to get things together for September...we shall see. I hope we of like minds can get together out in Pittsburgh to chat and network.
  • Oh boy Art, sorry to hear about these wonderful folks passing. I have admired Al's work and posts for some time. Really a shame.

    I'm a go for getting together at the show. I'll be there Wednesday through Friday and leaving on Saturday. Look forward to knocking elbows!

  • Gives us a few options...I'm there Sunday thru Sunday....loading in the vendors on Monday and Tuesday...
  • Art and Ken, I will be there Monday through Saturday. Doing the EBT on Tuesday. Will be entering my three sheds as a diorama. Randy
  • Wish I could come to the NNGC, but for the time being, work is still getting in the way. Hoping to meet some of the folks here on the forum in person some day!
  • I will be there Tuesday through Saturday and will be a vendor as in host for the 2026 NNGC in Minneapolis. Stop by! If you do please identify yourself with your forum name! I'm also much looking forward to seeing any or all of you guys in the bar- am usually available! I think I will bring a model but most likely it will be a structure unless I really get going on the scenery part.

    Al Judy will really be missed. I talked to him not long before he passed and I had no idea he was even sick. It was a real shock.
  • Al's loss has been a hard hit. We plan on keeping the Harrisburg shows going as he would want them to be... Our Crew will still be doing the vendor load in/out and support all week... I'm in Sunday thru Sunday....I'll be in the bar most nights...come find the guy with the big white mustache...I'm bringing my Water Tank module for the contest...just need to finish it...
  • Hey Art, I'll bring my Shelby's to the show room hopefully right around 9:00 am Wednesday. As I mentioned, it will be for display only and this was cleared through Gary Kohler and Dennis Vaccaro. Will look you up at the watering hole!
  • Looking forward to it....I'm trying to get my Water Tank done...the devil is in the details...and that's where I am right now....
  • edited September 2


    Sometimes, one has to sell his soul to the Devil to get things done !! :wink:

    Anyways, good luck with the show..

  • Don't rush it Art, but turn off the TV and stay up late just the same!
  • SW Contest Tank 6
    SW Contest Tank 3
    SW Contest Tank 5
    SW Contest Tank 3
    Heres a few actually bad shots of the Water Tank Diorama....still have a lot to finish and week will be here quick.....The blacksmith shed and coal dock are scratch built....slight rearrange due to the way it will live on the layout....
  • Better photos tomorrow......its 0245 and everything's blurry...
  • Crap...posted the same one twice......Deja vu....
  • Looks like you're rounding 3rd on this one Art...looks great and look forward to checking it out next week!
  • edited September 4
    Still needs more detail stuff....chalk on the shiny stuff.....more scenery....I just need sleep...Thanks...
  • The chain pulley wheels and the weights.....the photos always find the stuff you miss...
  • Looks awesome Art, I really love the changes you made to the kit. Always encouraged by myself and the forum members!
  • Looks good Art! Nice scene planning.
  • Take lots of pictures boys...........
  • edited September 4's a plug in will go into the hole on the layout...on the layout...the rear will be facing an a lot of the details would be hidden...I move the repair mini scene to the side on the tank...was going to use the shed to cover up the workshop....but the blacksmith stuff...."needed" to go there.....I'll throw up some more photos in a bit....still chalking...
  • SW Tank A
    SW Tank B
    SW Tank C
    SW Tank D
    SW Tank E
    Called it early tonight....too much up close work....still a few more details....scenery and weathering to do......
  • That's a fine job Art.

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