
Sir Nick-O

You meet a lot of very cool people in this hobby and become good friends with many who unfortunately you don't get to see very often.
One of my favorites is Nick Ogden who I met at least 15 years ago at a convention somewhere. He was a good friend of Brett's and we hung out together at that show and others.

Nick was and is an incredible model builder. He lives in the UK and unfortunately has not travelled across the Pond to grace us with his presence in a very long time. I'm not sure how he became Sir Nick-O but one of you very old-timers will probably remember.

I recently re-connected with him and has Brett and he is alive and well. He took off a few years from modeling partially due to some health problems but also because he diverted into some Fantasy model building.

He has retuned to narrow gauge prototype building and I will share some photos he sent me. As some of you (Karl A) I am photo-sharing challenged but I will try after I rename them and not from my iPad. I will also share soon some of the narrative Nick sent me. He also said he watches here now and then so hopefully he will share here.


  • You get the idea. More tomorrow.
  • after seeing these, yeah, i'd call him sir.
  • Michael, when I see you next you are going to get a clip around the ear for spouting all that rubbish about me .......

    Here’s the twenty bucks I owe you .
  • God I thought Brian Nolan knighted him!!

    You are right Mike he is a friend and a fine modeler. Just to bad he can't break away from building the house (or finishing) to come visit us here.

  • Cream rises to the top.
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