
kebmo's water tower and handcart repair shed



  • I think the roof turned out great!
  • Great job all around.
  • Great, nice-looking model.
  • thanks guys. i'm taking a few days away from it.
  • Doing a round roof is a have to adjust and trim as you go's more by feel than trying to follow the templates...
  • Doing a round roof is a have to adjust and trim as you go's more by feel than trying to follow the templates...

    it was a bit of a nightmare now that ya mention it. i screwed it up so bad, and that made the nightmare even worse.

  • edited August 29

    Doing a round roof is a have to adjust and trim as you go's more by feel than trying to follow the templates...

    Actually, if you follow the templates correctly the shingles will all be shaped, tapered and sized perfectly and will fit just right and give you a perfect roof, that is what the template is for, to show you the trimming angles.
    (I remember you also missed that step on your build).
    That is the way the template was designed and tried out several times to ensure a great and easy fit, every time.
    If you don't follow the template and instructions correctly, yes you will run into issues.
    Either way, you both got your roofs looking good in the end despite your minor missteps.

    Looking good Kevin and a great colour on those shingles.

  • i spent the past couple of days working on details. pallets and sawhorses, and then i started placing details around the exterior. i have a long way to go on that left wall, but i have a couple ideas. i ordered some more oil barrels from our good buddy, along with a couple handcarts (the absolute best in the business) i added a couple of details that didn't come with the kit. can you identify them?
  • i forgot to add the pictures.
    shed interior 1
    shed interior 2

    left side 2

    left side 1
    burn pile scene 1
    burn pile scene 2
  • edited August 29
    All those great details are really starting to fill out those scenes Kev, the interior really came together nicely.

    Only ones I notice that don't come in the kit are the gas can sitting on the black/red 55drum next to the pallet on the outside corner and maybe the burn barrel with a hole in it and the crushed drum next to it?
    Did you hide a few more jewels that I missed?
  • Karl.A said:

    All those great details are really starting to fill out those scenes Kev, the interior really came together nicely.

    Only ones I notice that don't come in the kit are the gas can sitting on the black/red 55drum next to the pallet on the outside corner and maybe the burn barrel with a hole in it and the crushed drum next to it?
    Did you hide a few more jewels that I missed?

    nope. you are exactly right.

  • Kev….outstanding…. I especially like the pallets…the one with the new(er) board
  • Great detail additions and placement. Can't have too many details.
  • Love your work. Nicely done.
  • edited August 30
    kebmo said:

    nope. you are exactly right.

    Hell yeah !!!

    Just send my 1k prize money to Brett and I'll let him know what I want... haha

    Looks great, they fit in perfectly with everything else and it took me a while to spot them.
    Keep on with the updates !

  • big opthalmologist appointment today. i have rips in my retina
  • kebmo said:

    big opthalmologist appointment today. i have rips in my retina

    well, my retinal rips in my left eye were cauterized with a laser over the last month, and today he looked at his handiwork and proclaimed that the cauterized rips have stopped bleeding and are completely healed. that said, i have a vitreomacular adhesion in my right eye, and he anticipates we'll start seeimg rips in my retina soon.
    i knew i'd need to be dilated so i asked a buddy if he could take me, and he said yeah but i'd have to go with him to his eye doctor appointment in the morning, and then we could go to mine in the afternoon. ah getting older.....

  • The problems with the eyes don't seem to influence the quality of your work. Great diorama Kevin.
  • edited September 1
    thanks robert and everyone. i did a little more tonight, but i thought id share something with the class.
    back in the instructions of o'neill's i think, brett tell us how to make two imprtant washes. an oil wash and a grime wash. i ran out of both batches, so today i figured i would try to duplicate them with acrylic craft paints instead of the way more expensive reaper paints.
    first the original recipes:

    50/50 adamantium black
    ruddy brown
    (i don't remember what brett thinned it with but i used window washer fluid

    ruddy brown
    roof brown
    rubbing alcohol

    acrylic substitures

    chocolate brown
    lamp black
    washer fluid

    chocolate brown

    the jury is still out cuz i need to keep thinning it until it has the right properties, but colors are pretty much right on the money. i'll see what it looks like in the mornng. it'll be worth a trip to michaels if it works. the original versions looked really nice. hopefully these will too.
  • i worked on the oil bottle filling scene yesterday and a little today.
    i haven't powdered anything yet, bit this is pretty much finished detail-wise.
    oil bottle scene 1
  • Looks good. I think it looks like you missed painting the metal tops on some of the oil bottles. Love the painting of the stonework.
  • Nifty scene Kevin...I keep coming back to the stonework as well! Nice.
  • Look good....
  • edited September 5
    Jim M said:

    Looks good. I think it looks like you missed painting the metal tops on some of the oil bottles. Love the painting of the stonework.

    i missed painting the metal tips on ALL of the oil bottles! thanks for pointing that out. i'll have to give it a shot tomorrow.
    thanks all on the stone work comments. i had a lot of tan based paints, and i might've used em all!

  • Kev you've done a great job on this one.

  • Looking good Kev, Laying out the scene is always a big step.
    The details all flow well even though, as you say, they arent chalk blended yet which will only improve it more.
    Don't sweat the bottle tops, we all miss something, just lean in there carefully with a silver brush and touch them up, no big deal.
    The scene is coming together so well so far.
  • thanks fellas. i've wanted to get on this kit since the minute brett announced it.
  • Well Kevin, this looks just great scene you have done.
  • You’ve done this kit proud!
  • Continues to look fantastic!
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