
kebmo's water tower and handcart repair shed



  • got the pump house walls painted yesterday/today. gonna let the gray brick mortar cure until tomorrow afternoon cuz i'm goin' fishing in the morning. first time this year.
    paingted pump house walls 1

    painted pump house walls 2
    painted pump house walls 3

    painted pump house walls 4
  • Looking very nice Kevin. You're doing a great job.
  • thanks jim.
  • I'll echo Jim's comment. Warm tones on the stones.. ;)
  • The depth of the mortar seems to vary from place to place. That’s a cool detail!
  • Nice. Really digging the color of the stones.
  • Nice Tone on the Stones......(see what I did there....)
  • clever rascal.
    i got alot done today.
    started the tower
  • There’s alot of good choices out there for kit building but there’s something special about a Sierra West kit.

    Looking good, Kev

  • There’s alot of good choices out there for kit building but there’s something special about a Sierra West kit.

    Looking good, Kev


    thanks bud. hopefully i'll be able to finish sidin g the tank today.

  • Coming along nicely! Nice coloring all around.
  • So far so good. Love the grey of your siding.
  • thanks tom and joel.
    finished siding the tank while chatting with brett yestserday afternoon.

    tank sided

    after seeing this picture i gave the top of the tank platform another brushed on coat of silverwood.
  • That looks fantastic. Coloration is excellent.
  • thanks brett!
  • Looking really Nice.....
  • Catching up here Kevin...Love what you're doing thus far.
  • yesterday slammed on the brakes for this project. as i was trying to assemble the hand cart, i was reaming the holes for the lever and broke them off. and then i tried to ream the lever and broke that too. the broken pieces launched and i wasn't able to find them. i might be able to put the lever back together, and if i can i'll just use a thinner wire.
  • A bump in the road. Back up to speed in no time!
  • Hey Kev wonderful start. Love that stone color.

  • i decided to skip ahead and start the main roof. i've decided to put the shingles on before doing any staining. i'm going to brush stain silverwood on the shingles, because i can stop adding stain any time it starts to look "just right". it's an experiment, and should be interesting.
  • i got most of the roof shingled, so i had to give the silverwood a shot. one coat, brushed on looks pretty good;
    main roof shingled one coat
  • Indeed Kevin, it looks very nice . Great work !!
  • Nice color and variation.
  • Looking fantastic Kev, I really like the contrast of the warm stone colours against the cooler grey colours of the siding. You really got that silver grey colour down right.

    Looking forward to following your work on the shingles.

    Keep up the great work.
  • Wonderful results Kevin! I have got to do a shake shingle all are on point with them.
  • got the main roof finished and hatches installed. nothing in the pic except the floor and pump house is glued in yet.
    i really tried to get the water tower roof right, but i blew it bad, so i went with the old disrepaired look instead.
    main roof shingledwithhatches
  • Nice work Kevin. Love the stone work. good recovery on the roof!
  • Everything look good. The roof turned out great!
  • The “old disrepaired look” is a time-honored tradition in the dio business. Good work!
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