
kebmo's water tower and handcart repair shed

well, i dillydallied around for the longest time trying to finish up the logging and tractor repair shed build. the building is finished, but i still have the details to place and the roof to attach. i bailed on the lighting.
anyway, i've been itching to get started on this one since it was first released. i've been through the manual a couple of times, and i started messing around with the details.
i did a bunch of details, but today i decided to tackle the wood barrels. the one on the right is the first wooden barrel that i've done that i'm remotely happy with. the one on the left is gonna be buried among a bunch of other details and i wanted an aged barrel, so i experimented with a couple of prismacolor pencils. since we have ALL the colors in this house, i think i should seriously make them a part of my arsenal..wood barrels


  • edited June 14
    I too am not that good with wooden barrels and boxes....some days they turn out good...other days not so much.....I like both of yours....the one on the right I like more...
  • thanks muddy. i used a craft paint called khaki, and i drybrushed that on, and then i used a prismacolor pencil on the bands.. i painted all the gears inside the barrel blackened steel, but haven't rusted them up at all.
    i haven't weathered either of them yet. i'm gonna wait to do that until it's time to plant them on the diorama.
  • I like what I see, Kev…thanks for the sbs as to how you did them
  • Nice barrels Kev. One looks new the other worn!

  • kudos to ken for coming up with the tarpaper treatment for the inside of the walls. i have a wall a half to go, but man. what i have done looks F*&^( excellent.
    interior walls tar papered
  • Outstanding Kev….
    The siding goes on first and then the tarpaper is cut to fit between the wood framing?
  • yessir. brilliant stuff.
  • Yea, somewhere I read that Ken’s middle name is brilliant
  • if it isn't it should be.
  • Looks great nice job cutting Kev.

  • edited July 5
    I'm doing it this way in my truck repair kit too....I like this method better...mine came out so well in the tractor repair
  • Great way to spend part of the 4th! Looks good!
  • I'm doing it this way in my truck repair kit too....I like this meth
    od better...mine came out so well in the tractor repair

    i have twi sheets if the painted tissue left over and i put them in the truck repair box for exactly that.
  • I found the black tissue paper on Amazon a while back....the last few items I've gotten from Brett have been
  • Looks really good, Kevin. I also added tarpaper to the roof section and cutting those pieces was a bear. I did it because I made my roof removable. With all the details inside, it's a shame to hide them by permanently affixing the roof. Just don't glue it on. You're doing a great job. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  • glandesjr said:

    Looks really good, Kevin. I also added tarpaper to the roof section and cutting those pieces was a bear. I did it because I made my roof removable. With all the details inside, it's a shame to hide them by permanently affixing the roof. Just don't glue it on. You're doing a great job. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

    there just was no way i was gonna attempt the truss. uh uh. i woulda slaughtered it.

  • i noticed something when doing the shed windows. the mylar sheet only has 7 'panes', while the template shows 8. i filled the last frame with a sign, but just an fyi for anyone getting ready to start on this fantastic model, you're not goin' nutty.
  • pretty much completed the center wall, but i estimate i have approx 20 hrs into it, including the door, but the door is drying now and i still have to add the hinges and handles.
    ctr wall 5
    ctr wall 6

    i haven't had a chance to take a picture of the other side of the wall yet.
  • Nice Kevin, I like the color of the cabinet !
  • Outstanding job!
  • Lookin’ good, K-man

  • Kevin,
    Great work and photos. i especially like how the second photo helps to see more of the details such as the drill press, the cabinet, the overhead light and the details placed on the inset shelves,
    Later, Dave S. Tucson, AZ
  • Hey Kevin wonderful detail painting!!

  • Great job on the painting and weathering the details....the tons are just bright enough...and nothing draws your eye right to see the whole scene that way...and then go looking for all the done good...
  • This is coming along very nicely Kevin. The details look great!
  • Thats looking fantastic Kev.
    So well done with those beautiful details, but it is your work with them that makes your scene look so good.
  • edited July 15
    because i just didn't feel like messing with plaster this weekend, i decided to skip ahead and tackle the floors.
    the rails are just sitting there. i wanted to see how they looked in situ.
    i'm pretty happy with the results.
    floor finished with railk temporarily placed
  • Nice coloring on the floor Kevin!

  • Jerry said:

    Nice coloring on the floor Kevin!


    thanks jerry,
    it reminds me of an old storefront that had been converted to a library. a very small library. the floor was really close to this in color, and as you perused the shelves, the floor would creak along with you as you searched and searched for another hardy boy book that you haven't read.
    ah, youth.....

  • Wow I amzing progress on the kit. Love the details on the wall
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