
New Mike Engler modular layout



  • Art, I'm looking forward to seelng you in Pittsburgh. I think I'm going to drag a model to the contest room as well. As we get closer to the convention we will take a roll call as to who might be there from the forum.

    I plan on having this modular layout in Minneapolis at the 2026 NNGC. Might even auction it off!
  • Sounds like a plan Mike...I am combining 2 kits for a diorama for the contest....Just need to get some more motivation to get into the shop
  • Y'all need to get your butt's in gear, time flies...
  • I'll be ready.
  • As will's farther along than I let on...
  • As will's farther along than I let on...

    sandbaggin' us, huh?

  • edited July 5
    Not sandbagging....I will post some stuff...was thinking some of the foundry stuff....but changed my mind on that...
  • edited July 5
    Don't want to rain on any parades but for the first time in my memory there is not a square foot contest this year. I have one that's about 8"x 12" and it will have to go in with the big dioramas. No problem it's all fun and games.

    Muddy is yours O or HO? I won a first in 12x12 with my HO Foundry in Seattle a couple of years ago and first last year in Denver with my Deer Creek Mine.
  • Mine is O...that's why it won't be at NNG this year (most likely) as we are only at the third would only be the pattern shop, front workshop and tempering shed if I displayed it...
  • At the Harrisburg Narrow O show in July I ran a 5" x 5" contest, every thing had to fit withing that size, no specific categories.....everything was judged by popular vote and was very well accepted....made modelers think how to include a lot of details. Size is just a entry(s) will be in the 12 x 18 range....
  • Muddy and Mike, I will also be in Pittsburgh. Muddy, I have volunteered To help in the con test room. Mike I too was disappointed that there was no square footer. As I am the con test chair for St. Louis We will have a Square footer. Giving every one the forum a heads up, the theme will be a junk. That will give every one a chance to use all those 3D parts from Brett. See you in Pittsburgh. Randy
  • That should be a junk yard..
  • randyp said:

    That should be a junk yard..

    Your forgiven!!

  • Jerry said:

    randyp said:

    That should be a junk yard..

    Your forgiven!!

    You’re not !!
  • LOL! Good one! Grammar police from across the Pond.
  • LOL! Good one! Grammar police from across the Pond.

    Gotta try and keep you lot from ruining the English language completely!
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