
reaper paints

a few years ago i bought brett's paint set through reaper. lately i've discovered that some of the paints have gotten thick and i'm wondering if it's possible to reconstitute the paints rather than having to purchase new ones. any advise would be extremely helpful.


  • Kev…I’ve experienced the same thing but only with the colors I use frequently and are exposed to air…If you decide to replace them their prices per bottle are okay and their shipping charges are very fair…in the past they’ve also included a free bottle of something, which isn’t always a useful color
  • Kev…I’ve experienced the same thing but only with the colors I use frequently and are exposed to air…If you decide to replace them their prices per bottle are okay and their shipping charges are very fair…in the past they’ve also included a free bottle of something, which isn’t always a useful color

    like tropical blue?

  • Adamantium Black, tarnished silver and aged pewter mainly
  • Crap...those are colors I use all the All acrylic paints can be thinned with much...well that's a good question too. I add a few SS BB's to all my bottles as I get them to aid with shaking them. I would go with a few drops at a time as to not thin them too much. I also work off a glass palette while painting only putting out a few drops of paint at a time. Also cap the bottle asap.
  • I think those are acrylic paints. I have used acrylic paint thinner before to thin paints for use in a sprayer.
  • If the caps were kept on tight, you'll just need to mix them up real good by shaking it with your hand or use a mini-vortex mixer. I've had acrylics sit for a couple years with no use and it takes a minute or two on one of those. I think reaper paints also come with mixing agitators so that will help speed it up.
  • I have over 200 bottles of reaper paint samples from years ago when we were developing the SW set. I just randomly checked 20ish bottles and none have dried out. The nozzle clogs on the bottles, but the paint is fine. I am currently using and recommending AK 3rd gen acrylics, best on the market by far. Reaper discontinued the line of paint they were using to manufacture the SW set so I was forced to discontinue the SW set. Many small companied like SW had their sets discontinued without prior notice. Ended up being a good thing however since the AK 3rd gen acrylics are far superior!
  • they didn't dry out, but they got pasty.
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