
Memorial Day

It doesn't seem appropriate to say "Happy Memorial Day" since it's a somber day; a day to remember those that gave their all. Take some time out of this beautiful day and spend some time to honor those that were lost during our country's conflicts.
I didn't serve in Vietnam, I graduated from high school as the conflict was coming to an end, but it certainly impacted all of our lives. My wife and I were able to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial years ago and it really impacted us both in a huge way. A few years later, I decided to scratch build a model of the memorial and some of the scenes that we saw that day; scenes that transpire every single day of the year. This is not true to scale, if it were scale, it would be way too large to display on a layout. If you've ever been to the memorial, you know that you descend as you walk along the path until you get to the middle and then you rise up as you continue along the pathway. I hope I did this justice.














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  • Very nice memorial
  • That is fantastic!
  • Very Nice
  • Great tribute, Jim… I’ve been to DC many times in the last 50 years but have never gotten up the courage to visit the ‘wall’…58,000 names is just to staggering for me to deal with…they’re all my brothers and sisters….maybe some day
  • Thank You Jim the wall is something that we should never forget.
    Today is for THEM NOT US. ...........Carl.......
  • incredible model/tribute. thanks for posting
  • edited May 28
    Thanks guys.
    Terry, I get it, I understand perfectly. Though I wasn't there, I wasn't prepared for how I'd feel when I saw it; it was a bit overwhelming. I hope someday that you are able to view it, it might be "healing", in a way, for you. You all went through Hell over there.
    There is a Veterans Highground memorial near our home. Dedicated to all that served in all of the conflicts from WW1 to present. They tell us, when we visit there, that many Vietnam era veterans come there and find it healing for them. Best to you.
    Happy modeling.
  • What a beautiful tribute!!

  • I had an ROTC scholarship in college so owed the Army 4 years. Actually spent 5 years in as an Infantry Officer with most of my time in Germany. I entered shortly after Vietnam but many of my NCO's were Vietnam vets who had some stories to tell. But it was a good experience, having gone through Ranger School, Airborne, French Commando School, and German Jump School, to name a few. It was a great way to start off my career with many things I learned serving me really well in civilian life. Thanks to everyone who has served, and those who are grateful for those of us who have. Everyone have a great week.
  • Jim, this is very well done and a lovely tribute. My father was a Vietnam era vet-- he was stationed in Germany when he got drafted (my grandmother begged the Army to not send him to Vietnam.) I had the privilege to join him on an Honor Flight just before his passing to see the memorial. The emotion that I saw in him and the other Vietnam veterans that day was truly humbling to witness. The memorial is an astonishing and truly breathtaking testament to the brave men and women who gave up their lives for our country. Thank you to all the vets on this forum and across the country and may we never forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
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