Personally, I would love to buy only Brett's kits. But I model in S scale so I do not have a choice but to use other manufactures or scratch build. So I buy some of SW kits because I enjoy building a quality kit. at this point I have three sheds and the first two parts of the foundry. If any of you are in St. Louis for the NMRA national please stop by the Canyon and Rocky Mountain and say hi. Keep up the great work Brett. Randy
i recommend staying away from harbor freight unless you're like a friend of mine who buys power tools there really cheap and just keeps replacing them when they break down.
The podcast is an excellent platform for you to keep us all in the loop as to what is coming down the was very informative and I for one would love to hear more in the future....
Really enjoyed the podcast. Thanks for letting us know what we can look forward to coming out of SWSM as well as updates on various projects. Lots of exciting things planned. Hope you come up with more inadvertent ideas to share with us.
Looking forward to working with these new pieces.