The Sawmill on hold ,for the time being, I started a new ,somewhat smaller kit. Smaller, but not less interesting , it's the last one I have at hand here so I hope the corona misery will soon be over.
Anyway, whilst working on the walls, my attention was drawn in the manual by this little addition, The Outhouse. Holy sh°t, Never build one, my enthusiasm took the upper hand and I started Robert's Rigging Shed build with this. Of course , and as usual, I deviated a bit from the manual. I 'decorated' the inside
I considered this as a mini diorama that will be placed on the final ' ensemble'. As always final weathering, more specifically the grass and ground covering later.
I know, the roof is in need of repair, but nobody gives a sh°t...
I thought it would be a funny idea to put an old yellow pages phone book inside to be used for, well you know what. I only hope yellow pages were available at that time. If not, it's a sort of poetic freedom from my side..
I know the photos are big, but otherwise you won't see., not that word again...
What did you use for the lichen. I like that a lot.
You may have a fingerprint on your camera lens.
Now the thing is, compared with the ones that were cast in resin, which are perfect in proportion, I found the laser cut ones, cut in three layer plywood were too thick. Also on the top lasered layer , the woodgrain was perpendicular to the proposed boards of which the reel is made up from.
So, I decided to take off the top layer with an xacto knife and thus thin the thickness and also put the woodgrain in the right direction. MUCH better that way.
It would be impossible to carve woodgrain in a longitudinal direction in a board that has a transverse cut.
I also broke a piece of the underlying board so you could easily see that a side is made out of two layers. As in reality.
Anyways, I think it looks good.
The weathering was done over a painted base layer of grey acryl paint. The different colors were painted on top of this. Chalk powder to finish it up.
Mike S.
it's not a fingerprint on the lens. he captured the stench on film.
The side yard wall.....with a few extras