Born and raised in Colorado, forty years now in Seattle. While you don’t know me, I feel I know many of you, following the Forum closely for many years. Your encouragement and advice to us all finally inspired me to join formally.
My first SWSM was Blue Sky, then followed with a few scratch builds. I’ve returned to the discipline that I had missed with Truck Repair which I am finishing soon. Next will be O’Neil’s and the Foundry - having begun neither, I plan to put them together on a single diorama.
I work in O scale but must note that the HO build threads are simply breathtaking to me. You all set the bar very high and I find it occasionally intimidating, but more often inspiring.
I’ll attach a few images, not as cred, but more as a statement of commitment. I will be profoundly rewarded if I can call this our craft, especially among you remarkable craftsmen.
This is not the forum for political or social commentary, ever. But at this moment in time I will add that we are self-sequestered, and safe. Please friends, keep yourself the same.