
yet another o scale railroad camp build



  • Ahh, the beauty of scratching.....
  • yeah....there's no brett to do all the heavy lifting. i'll get back down there tonight and recut a new floor and hopefully get back to the siding.
  • my neck is bulled....
  • rear wall is half sided.
    rear wall half sided1
    rear wall half sided 2

    i did some of the boards with black chalk to show the rear in disrepair. i'll end up dusting it up more and hit it with a/i once the windows and doors are in.
  • Love the look.
  • A very tall wall.
  • A very tall wall.

    Just think of the stairs getting to that door!!


  • My neck is broken viewing those pics.
  • Look forward to seeing the dusting and AI, should prove to blend the varied paint peel together nicely. Dude, need to roate the screens too heavy to turn it! lol...
  • MG: thanks
    carl: its a tower
    jerry: voila
    carl b: sorry. it was fine when it left my phone.
    ed: pink floyd?
    ken: me too

    rear wall with stairs

    the wall is just standing there by itself. no blocks or anthing. a good sign.
  • Any trouble with warping?
  • i braced the hell out of everything, so nothing has warped.
    i got a little side tracked last night....
    bar 1
  • Love the pool hall
  • Seems like the gents are all checking out the jukebox
  • bryan: thanks
    terry: who wouldn't check out a hot red head?
    ed: i was thinging "the wall:.
  • edited March 2020
    this is truly a momentous day. i just installed the last piece of siding on the beast. the only siding left to do is the inside 1" of rear wall of the veranda/bar. the rear wall is sitting under a piece of plywood with my 9 lb iron sitting on top of it for the night, and tomorrow i will install the windows and doors on the rear wall. [edit required] i'm going to apply powder to all walls (but more heavily on the rear wall) and hit them all with a/i. stronger on the rear wall.
    then i'll glue the four walls together (actually 5 walls), put the veranda bar in (i'll need to do this before i can glue the rear wall), and get started on the roofs.
    can i get a woohoo?!!
  • WOOHOO.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Book?
  • i forgot. i'll go downstairs and look for it right now.
  • edited March 2020
    found it. the title of it is "teach yourself to play guitar". perfect, huh? email me your address and i'll put it in monday's mail.
  • WooHoo and Ooh Rah
  • i had a productive morning. i trimmed out all the window openings (basically sanding them to size), installed windows and doors (but not the window treatments. i still have to glue in the venetian blinds), gave the rear wall a heavy powdering with two shades of umber, then a good a/i wash.
    reae wall windows and doors in
    i lost a window acetate hence the boarded up window.

    then i staged the finished walls.

    finished walls staged 1

    glue up is next....
  • Really coming together. Looking great.
  • That sure is a lot of siding! Great job so far.
  • edited March 2020
    thanks ed.
    the plastic windows turned out pretty good.

    rear window 1

    rear window 2

    rear window3

    rear window 4

    rear window 5

    rear window 7

    rear window 8

    rear ground floor door
    the photo of the boarded up window showed me that the boards need to be touched up on the ends, so i'll do that right now.

    all that work has me plumb tuckered out. i think i'll go outside and have a smoke in the 65 degree sunshine and crack open a sam adams.
  • Excellent.
  • The weathering turned out really great Kevin.
  • edited March 2020
    ed: please share carl cornish's method with the class.
    carlb: thanks
    steve: thanks. i tried to not overdo it because it is actually a flourish business.

    i glued the left wall to the rear wall and realized, i can't go any further until my son finishes the signs and sends 'em to me so i can finish the front and right walls.
    that sucks.....
    by the way, i did hit the top of that door with powder. it had too much color in the picture;
  • I like it a lot.
  • Looks really good !!!
  • thanks bryan and robert.
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