
yet another o scale railroad camp build



  • my daughter, who now lives in south carolina, used to have a jewelry company, so the other day i texted her and asked if she had any 1mm balls for the pool balls (technically 3.5" scale inches and not 2.25", but i don't know that i can get anything smaller) and she does so she's gonna send me 20 or so so that i can (try to) paint them like pool balls. i'm thinking maybe snooker balls (all one color) cuz i don't see me being successful at painting the stripes. i also have a bartender and some customers coming in the mail this week.
    and ed....i rarely say this but, go pack!!
  • took a little risk (warren zevon) and ordered 100 unpainted o scale figures.
    it was a bust...but only $10. they kinda suck with no definition... it said that they're 1/48, but they look small next to other figures. i'll keep em on hand for populating areas when needed but for now they'll go directly into the details box.
    100 lps
  • edited January 2020
    They might be Ok inside of buildings looking out windows?

    Mike S.
  • that's exactly what i was thinking.
  • edited January 2020
    i really needed to take a break from the siding, so i put together a kit boat for the fisherman. (i'll probably end up with a few more of em)
    fishing boat

    based on his gear, i'd guess he's goin' out after some big ass catfish.

    after that i messed around a little with the veranda details.
    stan is washing out a beer glass, whover shot stripes just ran the table, act naturally is blasting on the wurlitzer, and the manager is trying to figure out how hes gonna mask those light spots on the floor....

    veranda details

    pool balls are 1mm balls i got from my daughter in yesterday's mail. i'm no eric, so i won't be trying to paint stripes on any of them. i thought about painting all of them red and calling a snooker table...but these guys are them a snooker is a fish.
  • by the way, i need to let the epoxy cure where i glued the outboard to the boat and then cut the lower unit off at the water line. i cut it once, but seeing it on the blocks, i have to take about another 3/32" off of it.
  • Great stuff.
  • The pool room is a fun scene.
  • Kevin.
    You need to have a sound system for the jukebox.
  • Love the fishing boat, very well done along with the pool hall both wonderful details
  • mountaingoat, thanks.
    bryan, thanks.
    carl...lake' s still frozen, huh?
    ken, thanks
  • that boat casting is real nice. the bottom deck boards are cast in, and the wood grain on the hull was too. the transom was nicely done, getting thinner in the middle to accomodate the outboard, which was a pewter casting (motor and outdrive). the cover was a plastic casting. (3 parts) paddles and seats were laser cut, as was a net with some mesh material to make a fishing net out of. turned out soso.
    i don't intend to violate any rules, so if you want to know where i got, send me a message or somethin'. (tney probably get them from brett)
  • Nice work on that boat ! The pool room is great aswel.
  • thanks robert.
  • last night i did some more siding on the front wall, and i have a question for the experts:
    front wall paint question
    do you think i should damp brush more white wash on the wall?

    i also cut the outdrive on the motor to the waterline:
    outdrive cut to water line
    and took a picture of the interior of the boat:
    inside of boat

    and finally, i think i'm gonna repurpose this guy from o'neill's to be driving the outboard motor:

    repurposing lp

  • Just my opinion but I like the wall as more whitewash
  • Kevin, I looked back at photos of your other walls and I think this one looks like it will fit in nicely with the others. Boat turned out nice. Really like the net. That guy on O'Neils needs something more to do other than just sit around.
  • terry: thanks for the input.
    tom: i thought the net turned out like crap, so i put a big glob of white glue on the deck and smashed the net down into the glue and put a weight on it for a few hours. yeah, the guy at o'neill's looks like a perfect candidate to be driving the boat so i'm gonna do that tonight.
  • I like the boat.

    As far as more paint, I think that is a personal taste. If you think it needs more then it does. I think it looks fine.
  • edited January 2020
    thanks bryan.
    the boat now has a driver....
    driving the boat

    and now after this word from our sponsors, we resume siding this beast.
  • That's the perfect dude for that boat.
  • Lake Wobagon
  • Absolutely perfect fit. Love the whole mini-scene this will add.
  • kebmo said:


    Dig a hole and jump in and take a big drink.
  • too cold. brain freeze.
  • That guy is much more at home in that boat than on the dock of O'Neil's.
  • it's like he was made to run an outboard.
  • just so you guys know, i haven't been sleeping, i finished siding the front wall and it's spending the night under the iron weight. i hope to start cutting out the windows and doors tomorrow night.
  • i spent yesterday cutting out window and door openings on the front wall. i managed to get all the lower floor openings done and the windows and doors fitted (snugly). i was going to call it a day and stage a photo, and when i grabbed the wall i grabbed it by the wrong spot and snapped the clapboard siding, so i quickly applied some wood glue to patch it back together and put it under iron for the night; i don't know if i'll have time to work on a bit more today or not.
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