
yet another o scale railroad camp build



  • Love the chain with the sign on it.
  • Joel be me to the chain with the sign on it.
  • thanks guys, i appreciate it.
  • the chain and sign is very clever.
  • thanks steve, but i'm pretty sure i stole the idea. can't remember who i pilfered it from though.
  • i had a happy accident today. i ordered some stella perfume for my wife's birthday, and amazon (alexa) told me it had been delivered. sure enough, there was a package on the front stoop, albeit a little larger than i expected. i opened it to find 6 quart bottles of 91% isoporopyl alcohol. i contacted amazon about their mistake, telling them that if i try to give my wife 6 bottles of isopropyl alcohol for her birthday, it's likely to be my last day on the planet.
    bottom line, the stella will be here wednesday and i got 6 free bottles of isopropyl alcohol.
  • Perfume for her...alcohol for sterilize those grungy modeling hands before getting anywhere close!...:)
  • exactly. couldn't have worked out better.
  • That's one way of getting your stuff.... Well played. :wink:
  • Hah! Well played my man...
  • no. stella mccartney perfume. she's been wearing it since i met her.
    i prefer stella artois...
  • you are treading on thin ice....
  • i'm gonna go downstairs and play with my 6 free bottles of i/a.....
  • To bad it wasn't the drinking kind of alcohol.
  • edited September 2019
    two nights ago i was putting the finishing touches on the diorama. i had the new shed and the guy hammering in place, a couple of saw horses with scale 2x4s cutoffs on the
    ground and some boards on the sawhorses. as i looked and looked i decided i didn't like the way the blonde wood on the shed was looking, a bit too bright. it was completely sided with brand spanking new scale 1x8s, hence the bright look. so i thought i'd try what i saw in the sawmill thread: ochre chalk and a i/a dipped fine brush stroked on some color variations. i should have practiced. i screwed the pooch on the shed. it looked like shit. i started rebuilding it today. oh, and before i forget....i also screwed the pooch on sawing man, (second time after the first one came broken. i bought two new ones) i really suck at assembling those arms....hammering man came with arms attached. lo and behold, i'm gonna get another crack at it. i got an email yesterday from kevin at narrow gauge modeling co. apologizing for the delay, and that both figures (hammering man and sawing man) were shipped to me yesterday gratis. all's good in the universe. it's friday, the mrs. and i are going to see the downton abbey movie in a few minutes, and there's a full case of sam adams in the man cave fridge for when i return from the theater. more later....
  • edited September 2019
    i know. i'm figuring on wholesale trades in the off season and joe's probably out the door. he'll always be my hero because....well you know why.

    by the way, if you enjoyed the television show, the downton abbey movie is great. not oscar worthy, but like a 2 hour television show that's excellent. considering it as a television show,...i give it 5 out of 5 stars. as a movie, 3.5 out of five. highly recommended.
  • edited September 2019
    here's the shed after the pooch was sufficiently screwed.... (and truth be told, the pooch was screwed long before the botched stain attempt)
    screwed the pooch

    it was a half-assed attempt at giving the "pine" some variation in color, and i turned out awful because i didn't practice first.

    so now i've decided to rebuild the shed, but i'm going to leave it studs only and not side it this time. that'll help with the brightness of the lumber issue by elimination.

    rebuilding the shed 1

    this is the framed rear wall and one side wall, and the front wall under construction.
  • edited September 2019
    Nice coffee mug
  • a gift from my dad a long time ago. it's been holding pens for 25 yrs or so. here's the other side of it:
    back of the cup
  • as the cubs sink, i took a day off yesterday and finished the diorama (with exception of the guy wires, the brick chimney and a half dozen oil cans that will get finished today). i learned a few things about my lack of modeling skills on this kit; i.e., i suck at assembling lps. i prefer the pewter ones. after three attempts at the sawing man, yesterday i drilled a hole in his foot and inserted a wire. as i was painting his pants (holding him by the wire), the blade of the saw literally fell off. i took it as an omen, and sawing man will not be on the diorama. i will find a hand saw to lean against the saw horses and hammering man will be working on the shed solo.
    i also am quite sucky at anything requiring epoxy.
    i'll be finishing it up today. i will let my buddy's wife know that both dioramas are ready to be photographed, and when she does I will post the pics. i found out yesterday that their pit bull was diagnosed with lymphoma (her son/pup was put down 6 months ago because he was cancer-ridden), so she might not be ready for it for a few days.
  • my stupidity is rampant. i set the brick chimney aside to do it last, and now i can't find it. it could be anywhere.... argh.
    i emailed brett begging him to sell me another one.
  • edited September 2019
    Thank goodness there’s someone besides me that pulls stunts like that .... I have the same type of issue going on now... I’m building a ‘brand x’ kit and I misplaced the instructions.
  • kebmo said:

    my stupidity is rampant. i set the brick chimney aside to do it last, and now i can't find it. it could be anywhere.... argh.
    i emailed brett begging him to sell me another one.

    no reason beg bro! Happy to send one out to you!
  • i love sierra west!!!
  • yeah, i will.
  • Maybe it fell into the self portarit mug on your bench??
  • edited September 2019
    it seems to have vanished into the ether.....
  • Kevin, you're not alone. I drop things all the time. I recently dropped a barrel, felt it fall in my lap and onto the floor under my work bench. I looked for it with a flashlight, swept the floor, and couldn't find it. I think there's someone hiding under there stealing the parts I drop. It has happened more than once by the way. I'll probably see them listed on ebay.
  • same thing happens to me. i'll be crawling under the bench with a flashlight and optivisors, and i rarely ever find what i was looking for.
  • Look on the work table the upper right side just below the North West side of the Eastern side of the camp build I can see it in the picture..............Carl..........
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